What Pinotherapy (Pinopressure) is?

Autor: Paweł Błachotnik

To grow, go beyond what you know. The brain, like a computer, only sees what it is programmed to see. Only what he already knows. Fortunately, we are not just the brain. We can go beyond the matrix.

W. Eichelberger

How controversial it sounds in times of huge development of medical science and the cult of everything we think we already know. In all this, we underestimate the huge potential that lies dormant in our body. We are talking about regeneration, self-regulation and treating our body as an intelligent, biomechanical being, where the ego sphere is not the only dominant. We cannot use the mechanisms that evolution has created over millions of years. Other animals have these abilities in the realm of instincts, but we have pushed them even further.

I believe that the majority of physiotherapists using Składowski's concept would agree with me that phenomena often occur on the therapeutic table that are difficult to clearly explain with the current scientific achievements of homo sapiens. With full respect to empirically verifiable methods, it's hard to admit it, but we still know very little about the functioning of the human body and the relationships that govern it. Humility towards the meanders of medicine is an inseparable element of this method.

Pinotherapy - What is it?

The Polish method created by an orthopedic traumatologist Radosław Składowski is a bridge between conventional and unconventional medicine. It combines techniques derived from acupuncture, acupressure, reflexology, manual medicine techniques (manual therapy), various massage techniques and dry needling. The whole creates the foundations of Manual Medicine, i.e. a comprehensive method of treatment based on the Five Regulatory Systems concept (FRSc). Pinotherapy is a summary and summary of the whole concept.

What distinguishes Składowski's concept from others is the typology of patients. There is no absolutely determinate concept of "human". However, there are five types of this "man" according to the Aristotelian-Hindu typology. The concept of five elements: earth, air, fire, water, ether, divides patients due to many variables. These include, for example, the superior regulatory system, the quality of the sense of kinesthetics, the type of reaction to pain or the type of anatomical and tissue structure. The resultant of all variables gives us a way of choosing the most appropriate techniques for a given element, which we perform first.

pinopresura pinoterapia frsc radosława składowskiego

Manual medicine techniques of Dr. Składowski

Talking about techniques manual medicine of Dr. Składowski, techniques of short-lever manipulation, joint mobilization, pinning (i.e. pecking the skin with special nails), myofascial techniques, dry needling and rolf-massage techniques should be mentioned. According to the principle that everything is possible, the whole method is far from a schematic cliché. Although the word method is associated with a pattern of conduct, it is far from the use of paradigms. It is assumed that the very process of making a diagnosis is based on the fiction that we know what is normal and what is not. The effectiveness of a given technique is already a diagnosis, which cannot be preceded by assumptions. It is these assumptions that give us the only right way of working, which is unfortunately often not true. This is because all newly discovered facts obtained from experience are adjusted to the original image, building up the paradigm instead of undermining it.

Implementing the secrets of the method, we come across the author's concept of synkinetic chains and sympathicotonia zones (compared with their shape to octopuses). The synkinetic chains mentioned above are a kind of map according to which we analyze the patient in search of dysfunctions. More precisely, its causes. The overriding principle of the doctor is the withdrawal of diseases of the musculoskeletal system by repairing the functions whose loss led to these diseases. Synkinetic chains are something of an archaic movement pattern, primarily reptilian and mammalian. We acquire these patterns in the process of ontogenesis. Our locomotor skills, nutrition, non-verbal speech and breathing are therefore chain activities. The set of muscles subordinate to the extrapyramidal system when performing the above kinematic activities is called the synkinetic chain (e.g. lunge or take-off).

The whole method of treatment is decorated with a characteristic nomenclature with a funny, colloquial overtone. The nomenclature describing all pathological phenomena occurring in our musculoskeletal system has become a new Latin for therapists working with this method. Here you can mention, for example, collar beams , moguls, beggar veins or the previously mentioned octopuses. Dr. Składowski's method really allows you to develop while working with the patient, opens the mind and eyes to many treatment options.

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