FRSc. About the method and its creator

The Five Regulatory Systems concept (FRSc) is an original comprehensive therapeutic method developed by an orthopedic doctor Radosław Składowski.

Doubts - how it all started

Składowski swoją praktykę kliniczną jako lekarz  rozpoczął w 1995 r. w szpitalu w Kędzierzynie-Koźlu. Tam też wyspecjalizował się w dziedzinie ortopedii i traumatologii, fascynując się w szczególności chirurgią ręki. Poza pracą na sali operacyjnej zobowiązany był również do przyjmowania pacjentów w przychodni. Jak sam przyznaje, to właśnie wydarzenia mające miejsce w poradni ortopedycznej stanowiły punkt zwrotny w myśleniu jeszcze początkującego wówczas lekarza.

While the operating room provided satisfaction and motivation for further work, the outpatient clinic evoked completely different feelings. Patients reported there with various problems that surprisingly often escaped the framework and diagnostic rules proposed by academic textbooks and the knowledge of older colleagues. They were not easy to classify, much less treat. This is primarily about various pain ailments of unknown origin, against which pharmacotherapy and surgery remained powerless. Despite his best intentions, Składowski was unable to help such patients.

In the same clinic, with the same patients, he was haunted by one more observation, or rather a question - why a clearly identified and named disease entity is often so diverse in its semiotics? In other words, why does the condition diagnosed as disc-radicular conflict manifest itself in buttock pain in some patients, calf pain in others, and pain in the entire limb, but only in the sitting position or only during movement, in others? And why in some patients the pain is the greatest after prolonged immobility and it eases as a result of moving, in others the pain is the greater the more they move, and in still others the greatest pain is caused by complete immobility? And all this attributed to one and the same disease entity. The questions piled up just like the queues of needy patients.

Discovery - it comes a breakthrough

Knowledge came to the rescue, which to this day is not the basis for the education of an orthopedic doctor. Składowski reached for chiropractic. In principle, it can be said that he did not reach for chiropractic, but it first came to him - in the form of patients. Healthy patients who returned to the office only to inform the "doctor" that everything was fine with their spine. "That those medications you gave me didn't necessarily help, but luckily a neighbor recommended me a chiropractor and after seeing him everything was back in place."

This is how the inspiration came and the path it marked out through the secrets of osteoarticular mobilization, manipulation and later also needling with an injection needle, and finally dry needlingThe first signposts were books by Karel Lewit and Heinz-Dieter Neumann. There were no teachers and mentors. As the most important, Składowski mentions Grzegorz Jabłoński in the field of manual medicine, and Ryszard Ulman and Ferdynand Barbasiewicz in the field of clavitherapy, which in 2006-2010 became a source of inspiration for him

Development - following knowledge and intuition

However, before clavitherapy appeared in Radosław Składowski's office, another element of everyday medical life disappeared from his life - clinical practice. In 2004, the disproportions and differences between the clinical orthopedic procedures and the office work of Składowski became so great that he decided to work alone, thus abandoning some of the medical dogmas and his entire surgical career.

Twenty years of work, experience and inspiration, as well as thousands of cured patients, led Składowski to a general conclusion, according to which the same pathology (a disease or its symptom) can have its source in completely different spheres of the body's functioning. This resulted in the consolidation of the concept, which is now called the Concept of Five Regulatory Systems (FRSc).

FRSc is a system in which the assessment of the patient's body from the point of view of physiology or pathology is made by analyzing the functioning of five so-called regulators. By each of them, Składowski understands a set of dependencies occurring between individual systems of the human body, taking into account the basic sciences and mechanisms, including, among others, in anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. The pathology (functioning disorder) of each Regulator can be characterized by a number of specific symptoms of the patient, on the basis of which it is possible to plan and start the correct therapeutic process.

Ambitious goals - now and tomorrow

Radosław Składowski still accepts patients in his office and perfects and develops the FRSc method. It conducts popularizing and educational activities by organizing trainings for physiotherapists. Several thousand of his students apply the discoveries of Składowski in their daily practice, reporting spectacular successes in the fight against pain and other pathologies. Together with his assistants, he disseminates the FRSc concept as part of Pinotherapy, Needling Therapy, Vascular and Visceral Therapy, and above all Manual Medicine, with particular emphasis on joint mobilization and manipulation techniques.

In 2020, the FRSc organization was established in the form of a company whose mission is to popularize the method among patients, doctors and physiotherapists. All this to bring relief to patients for whom standard clinical procedures did not bring a sufficient improvement in health and did not restore the expected comfort of life.

Krzysztof Skibiński

Krzysztof Skibiński

Fizjoterapeuta, prowadzący szkolenia z Pinoterapii, Medycyny Manualnej wg FRSc. Poza prowadzeniem szkoleń u boku twórcy FRSc, zajmuje się również koordynacją badań oraz projektów naukowych w nurcie EBM.

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