Certified Master


I am a physiotherapist, naturopath, hirudotherapist, acupuncturist. I gained my first professional skills in hospitals and clinics in Warsaw, and I have been running an individual practice since 2016.

My experience with physiotherapy begins in my teenage years, when I observed the work of physiotherapists from the position of a patient for several years. The initial fascination with this profession turned into a passion and a way of life that gives me energy for self-development every day.

Ewelina Napiórkowska

Both life and professional experience made me realize how important an individual and holistic view of the patient is. I believe that when the body is sick, the soul also suffers, and when the soul suffers, the symptoms often somatize in the body. Therefore, the therapist's work requires openness, patience, full focus and honest conversation, which is often a key element in the fight for the patient's recovery.

W swojej pracy z pacjentem łączę wiele metod. Ukończyłam liczne szkolenia z zakresu terapii tkanek miękkich i terapii manualnej m.in: MTG, dry-needling, KGB dra Aleksandra Bieleckiego, akupunktury, kinesiotapingu, terapii komplementarnych oraz szkolenia z zakresu hirudoterapii i diagnostyki obrazowej, jednak przede wszystkim wykorzystuję techniki koncepcji Pięciu Układów Regulacyjnych (FRSc).

I also have the pleasure of assisting the creator of the FRSc method - Radek Składowski during subsequent editions of the Manual Medicine courses and co-create Spine Joint Manipulation Workshops.

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