Scar and other post-traumatic conditions in FRSc
2 150,00 zł
The course is the answer to the questions asked during the courses Pinotherapy and Manual Medicineis it possible and how to work with traumatized tissue using the tools used in the FRSc concept?
3 dni [ 23 godziny ]
Course Scar and other post-traumatic conditions in FRSc is the answer to the questions asked during the courses Pinotherapy and Manual Medicineis it possible and how to work with traumatized tissue using the tools used in the FRSc concept?
Patterns in the patient's body that are preserved by bruises, sprains, fractures, burns, accidents, and surgeries can effectively "recreate" and undo the effects of our previous work. You can imagine how practical an option, restoring the existing pathology in a given regulator, will be a properly selected therapeutic strategy.

During the course you will learn:
- You will expand your knowledge of the Five Regulatory Systems concept (FRSc) with techniques focused on working with soft tissue that has been subjected to multiple stressors and traumas. This may have contributed to structural problems such as mobility restrictions, traumatic blocks, and caused global and adverse stress networks in the patient's body.
- You will learn how to test such an area, how to plan a work strategy, why it is worth having the ability to look at the human body more broadly and the fact that working with traumatized tissue will not always be at the beginning of your activities.
- In addition, you will receive tools for safe work with patients whose treatment, trauma or accident zone is strongly related to psychosomatics.
It is important to remember that for many patients this may be a turning point in the further course of therapy and, as a result, the achievement of previously planned goals.
Purpose of course - Scar and other post-traumatic conditions in FRSc
- Systematization of knowledge in the area of using tools learned during other courses on working with scars.
- Learning original tools for working with scar and post-traumatic tissue.
- Learning to plan work strategies using the tools learned during the course and those you already have in your therapeutic experience.
- Learning a broad approach to working with post-traumatic tissue and scar.
- Nabranie pewności stosowaniu, analizowaniu i odczuwaniu bodźców w najważniejszym narzędziu, jakie posiada terapeuta czyli własnej palpacji.
- Learning and gaining confidence in working with a patient who may react emotionally to working with post-traumatic tissue and scar tissue. Calming emotions, turning off unpleasant experiences or learning to accept one's own body again.
What makes this course unique?
It is a coherent system of work with post-traumatic tissue and scar placed in the FRSc Five Regulatory Systems concept (FRSc) using tools found in FRSc. Additionally enriched with techniques and tools that intertwine with the fields of other teaching methods, e.g. cranial osteopathy or methods of working with the subconscious.
For whom is this course?
We invite physiotherapy students and representatives of medical professions to the course: doctor, dentist, surgeon, physiotherapist, nurse, midwife, paramedic, massage technician, osteopath, medical assistant, orthopedic technician, occupational therapist.
9:00 – 10:30
– Start of the course
– Discussion of organizational matters
– Self-presentation
– Discussion of the concept of traumatized tissue
10:30 – 11:45
– Reminder of general information about regulators
– Discussion of regulators in terms of therapy with traumatized tissue
11:45 – 12:00
Coffee break
12:00 – 14:00
– Discussion of the importance of palpation in therapy
– Palpation exercises
– Techniques to test a region of traumatized tissue
14:00 – 15:00
Lunch break
15:00 – 16:45
– Important aspects of the patient interview
– Exercise – scar mobilization technique
– Discussion and practice of the technique – GRAD
16:45 – 17:00
Coffee break
17:00 – 18:00
– Discussion and practice of the technique – shorting through the scar
– Discussion and exercises of the technique – KAT
– Discussion and manipulation exercises – traumatic blocks
– Summary of the day, participants' questions
9:00 – 11:45
– A short summary of the first day
– Discussion and exercises of the technique – vascular mobilizations
– Discussion and exercises of the technique – GRASP
11:45 – 12:00
Coffee break
12:00 – 14:00
– Discussion and exercises of the technique – cupping
– Discussion and exercises of the technique – “Grabki”
– Supporting healing processes – additional information
14:00 – 15:00
Lunch break
15:00 – 16:45
– Discussion and practice of the technique – Pino Pir (effect on the deep fascia)
– Health and safety of the procedure with needles
16:45 – 17:00
Coffee break
17:00 – 18:00
– Discussion and practice of the technique – scar needling
– Discussion and exercises of techniques – needle therapy of post-traumatic hypermobility
– Summary of day II
9:00 – 11:45
– A short summary of the first day
– Discussion and exercises of the technique – loosening with needles
– Discussion and practice of the technique – CV4 with needles
11:45 – 12:00
Coffee break
12:00 – 14:00
– Discussing and practicing the technique – Emotional calming (when the V regulator predominates)
– Summary of day III and the whole course
– Distribution of certificates, farewell
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