ETER neuropsychobiological bases of work with the body

2 250,00 2 450,00 

The course consists of a theoretical and practical part and will provide the necessary knowledge and skills to acquire the basics of work necessary for independent practice in the fifth regulator from the very beginning called Ether.

By choosing the option with an advance payment, you will receive two invoices after the course
Duration: 3 days
Place: Spała

What is Ether course

The course is designed to show how strong the connection between the body and the mind is, to present what this connection is all about and to teach methods of therapeutic influence on disorders passing through this connection from psyche to soma and from soma to psyche.

Working in the fifth regulator means practical applications of knowledge based on reports in the field of neurobiology, according to which the brain is an adaptive system, which means that it can be
modified by specific stimuli and change its reactivity.

Some pain, discomfort, psychogenic tension are nothing more than a signal, information, a "guiding" to the program created in the brain that wants to be corrected, released, taken care of.

Experts in the field point out that just as trauma changes the brain, other experiences can cause it to regain its normal functions.

What will you learn?

The proposed work techniques are based on 3 basic principles of a good therapy/treatment process:

  1. Autonomous hierarchy – you will learn to recognize at what level of the hierarchy the nervous system is and how it subordinated the body and mind. The proposed therapeutic techniques will enable the activation of cooperation between the body and consciousness, so the therapeutic process and change were possible.
  2. Neuroception – that is, constantly outside our consciousness, the assessment of the state of environmental security, is the way in which the autonomic nervous system interacts with the world. Therefore, an important part of the training will be learning: creating a space of therapeutic and relational presence and building the patient's trust in the therapy process and the ability to tune in to hidden autonomous conversations taking place between you and the patient, along with occupational health and safety techniques supporting the therapist.
  3. Co-regulation “By co-regulation, we connect with others and create a sense of security. The regulated and regulating presence of the therapist is an important factor in the success of therapy. If you do not provide the patient with a sense of security during the session, it will be difficult for him to enter the path of health.

In the course schedule:

  • QRu techniques  - this is a technique that will help in deepening awareness in contact with the body and in sensitizing to it.
  • Expanding your perception, mindfulness and sensitivity
  • Relational field: therapist - patient, patient - therapist
  • Higiena pracy
  • Regulations and autoregulations of ANS
  • Somatic-emotional patterns in FRSc typology
  • Integration of the therapeutic process

In addition, you will learn:

  • To notice and recognize mental and emotional states in the body and how they affect the body and what form of representation they take in it.
  • How mental-emotional states affect tissue structures, organs, the nervous system and reactions.
  • How to connect with the feeling and sensations in the body.
  • Therapeutic dialogue.

For who?

We invite physiotherapy students and representatives of medical professions to the course: doctor, dentist, surgeon, physiotherapist, nurse, midwife, paramedic, massage technician, osteopath, medical assistant, orthopedic technician, occupational therapist.

There is no need to complete Manual Medicine course by FRSc.

Do you work in another medical profession? Contact us!


Disorders: blood pressure, heart function (arrhythmia, heart pacemaker, surgery); physical and physiological limitations: bone fractures, joint strains and sprains, postoperative conditions; spinal instability that causes pain symptoms; hypo/hyperglycemia, epilepsy, pregnancy; Psychiatric diseases treated pharmacologically: psychosis, deep depression, schizophrenia.

Classes will be in the form of exercise and therapy, so that you can better understand this form of work with the patient through your own experience. Practical exercises will be performed individually, in pairs and in a group.

9:00 – 13:00

QR - what is it

QR and neuroception, neuroconsciousness and neuroplasticity

QR - perceptual experience in independent practice part. 1

13:00 14:00

Lunch break

14:00 – 18:00

QR - perceptual experience in independent practice part. 2

9:00 – 13:00

QR in the therapeutic relationship - therapeutic practice part I

Building a relational field - patient-therapist, therapist-patient, sense of security, empathy

Autonomic nervous system - regulation and autoregulation of physiological states

13:00 14:00

Lunch break

14:00 – 18:00

The phenomenon of dissociation and impaired cognitive functions in therapeutic practice

Self-control and self-regulation

The occupational hygiene of the therapist

QR in the therapeutic relationship - therapeutic practice part II

9:00 – 14:00

Somatic-emotional tension patterns according to the FRSc typology

Techniques of tightening and grounding


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