2 250,00 

Course by Paweł Błachotnik, who shows how to work with patients in post-traumatic and post-operative rehabilitation of selected joints of the limbs. A three-day training in post-traumatic and post-operative rehabilitation of selected joints of the limbs.

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3 days [25 hours]
Spała / Big Cities

The post-operative phase or the initial weeks after an injury are of great importance for every patient! This is a period that demands not only a lot from the patient, but also from the therapist.

A physiotherapist conducting such treatment must demonstrate an understanding of: the biomechanics of the injury, the biology of the tissues undergoing healing, possible complications, and the ability to recognize red flags that should be identified as soon as possible.

To meet these needs, I created a course Physiotherapy
in orthopedic injuries
, which will increase your competences to manage the patient in such a special period for him.

Movement as the key to maximum functionality

My rehabilitation mission of working with people is to work with the musculoskeletal system called the movement system. I believe that this term also covers the best way to treat it, i.e. "movement". Therefore, in my opinion, in parallel with pain reduction through all manual and tool techniques, there should be a need to improve motor functionality, because it is a test of this system in practice and a verification of our physiotherapeutic work.

My internal physiotherapist defines rehabilitation as "a set of physical and cognitive activities aimed at loading the musculoskeletal system as quickly as possible in accordance with its maximum current potential."

Purpose of the course Physiotherapy in orthopedic injuries

During the three-day training, you will learn a work system based on functional diagnostics, the physiology of tissue healing, progress monitoring and current knowledge in the field of physiotherapy. This training will help you manage patients independently in a competent and safe manner.

A ilustrated and dynamic approach to biomechanics and characteristics of common postoperative conditions, acute injuries and chronic ailments will help you better understand how to work with these areas of the body.

Three main pillars of the seminar:

  1. 1. Functional diagnostics, both classic orthopedic and active motor diagnostics, allowing to assess the initial condition and progress of physiotherapy.
  2. 2. Manual therapy of soft tissues and mobilization/manipulation of peripheral joints to modulate the sensation of pain in order to be able to progressively load the tissues of the musculoskeletal system as quickly as possible.
  3. 3. Rehabilitation kinesitherapy means skillful training even in the presence of patient discomfort. The practical part regarding movement will allow you to experience first-hand the ways of loading the musculoskeletal system in order to be able to dose this form of therapy more effectively, improving our coaching competences.

What will you learn?

During the course you will learn:

  • Functional diagnostics and functional assessment of the knee and shoulder joints.
  • Managing patients after ACL, MPFL, MCL reconstruction and meniscus repair.
  • Manual therapy of the lower limb for soft tissues and joint mobilization
  • Prowadzenia pacjentów po naprawie stożka i szyciu mankietu rotatorów stawu ramiennego.
  • Manual therapy of the upper girdle for soft tissues and joint mobilization.

For whom is this course?

For course Physiotherapy
in orthopedic injuries
we invite physiotherapy students and representatives of medical professions to the course: doctor, dentist, surgeon, physiotherapist, nurse, midwife, paramedic, massage technician, osteopath, medical assistant, orthopedic technician, occupational therapist.

Do you work in another medical profession? Contact us!

Kinesiotherapy and manual therapy for painful shoulder

Watch a webinar during which we will examine common shoulder girdle deficits that we encounter in everyday physiotherapy practice. Specific tasks that our shoulder complex is subjected to require understanding certain features and therapeutic goals that are worth implementing into our therapeutic work. Division of the girdle by deficits automatically suggests a pool of solutions that our kinesitherapy and manual therapy should take into account.


  • Knee joint
    • Function, anatomy, biomechanics, neurological aspects
    • Injury mechanics and biological consequences (ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL, MPFL, menisci, cartilage, joint capsule)
    • Risk factors



  • Functional diagnostics (ACL, ML, MM, MCL, MCL)
  • Muscle functional assessment
  • Rehabilitation planning
  • Anti-swelling techniques
  • Preoperative rehabilitation
  • Postoperative procedures (ACL reconstruction: StG, BTB)
  • Basics of kinesiotherapy (exercise dosage, intensity modifications, RIR and RPE scale)



  • Types of isometric training and its practical use
  • Protocol: ACL StG and BTB - kinesitherapy
  • Working with extension deficits
  • Red flags



  • Meniscus repair – protocol
  • EBM review
  • Bracing Protocol theory
  • Dynamometric measurements


  • Knee joint
    • Manual therapy of soft tissues: myofascial and tool techniques
    • Manual joint mobilizations
    • Protocols MCL. MPFL
    • Post-traumatic and post-operative complications - diagnosis
    • Questionnaires (Tegner, Lysholm, IKDC)



  • Knee joint
    • Artrofibroza
    • Diagnostic
    • Anatomia i diagnostyka powikłań



  • Manual therapy of soft tissues: myofascial and tool techniques
  • Mobilizacja czynne 
  • Mobilizacje bierne



  • Shoulder girdle
    • Anatomy, biomechanics
    • EBM review - demythologization
    • Patologie i urazy obręczy górnej ( zamrożony bark, uszkodzenia mankietu rotatorów, uwięźnięcia nerwów, uszkodzenia typu SLAP, zwichnięcia stawu ramiennego, TOS)
    • Functional diagnostics/differential diagnosis
    • Dynamometric measurements
    • Classification of physiotherapy goals
    • Red flags
    • Neuromobilizations


  • Shoulder girdle
  • Manual therapy of soft tissues and tool techniques
  • Capsular mobilizations



  • Th mobilizations
  • Basics of kinesitherapy for: acute condition, isometric training, scapula control, raises, push and pull, stiff shoulder, locomotion patterns, plyometrics)



  • Protokoły: Uszkodzenia typu SLAP, naprawa mankietu rotatorów)

The end


  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Adam Lipiński

    Wielkie uznania dla Pawła za ogrom wiedzy. Kurs świetny pod względem merytorycznym jak i praktycznym. Polecam . Gorące pozdrowienia dla prowadzących

  2. Rated 5 out of 5


    Każdy fizjo powinien mieć ten kurs już za sobą 🙂 nawołuje do zapisów! 🔥

  3. Rated 5 out of 5


    Cała wiedza o pracy z pacjentami ortopedycznymi w pigułce 🙂 to szkolenie zdecydowanie pomogło mi w pracy z pacjentami urazowymi, zarówno pod kątem terapii manualnej, jak i ćwiczeń i zaleceń dla pacjenta. Polecam!

  4. Rated 5 out of 5


    Super szkolenie!
    Ogromna wiedza prowadzących, bardzo dużo praktyki i super atmosfera. Polecam

  5. Rated 5 out of 5


    Rewelacyjne szkolenie pokazujące zupełnie inne spojrzenie na problem i dające bagaż świetnych technik. Paweł jest bardzo dobrym szkoleniowcem , którego poznałem już wiele lat temu, ale to z jaką charyzmą i lekkością prowadzi swoje autorskie szkolenie i w jaki sposób zaraża do swojej pasji którą jest praca z pacjentami pooperacyjnymi to cięzko to opisać tylko trzeba zobaczyć na własne oczy.
    gorąco polecam

  6. Rated 5 out of 5


    Paweł świetnie przygotowany i co dla mnie było na duży plus – aktualne doniesienia odnośnie protokołów leczenia. Fajna atmosfera na kursie i naprawdę poziom merytoryczny na 10. Dziękuję:-)

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