Manipulations in FRSc

1 950,00 

Three-day intensive course in basic and advanced manipulation of the spine and peripheral joints. A large dose of practical exercises.

By choosing the option with an advance payment, you will receive two invoices after the course
Duration: 3 days
Place: Spała/Big Cities

Joint manipulation is a world-renowned manual therapy practice that involves performing a quick, precise, yet gentle movement in the joint. They are used for the correction and specific mobilization of joints, and the effect of a well-made technique has a positive effect on the nervous, circulatory, lymphatic and musculoskeletal systems.

Spine and peripheral joints manipulations in FRSc.

The three-day coirse in basic and advanced manipulation techniques is addressed both to therapists with no experience in manual therapy, as well as those who want to expand and consolidate their knowledge and skills under the guidance of experienced instructors.

The instructors put special emphasis on practice, which is devoted to most of the class. The practical dimension of the workshop is provided by a group of experienced instructors.

Manipulations are characterized by high angular acceleration with minimal force to achieve cavitation at a specific joint. The advantage of manipulation is the local and global impact on the patient's body. They locally affect a specific segment of the spine or a selected peripheral joint, activating it in a specific direction. On the other hand, the global aspect is the largest and most interesting form of treatment. Through the central musculoskeletal system, we can influence the functioning of peripheral joints and restore the simplest form of locomotion, which is walking.

On the course you will learn:
– how to safely and effectively use manipulation techniques,
– when not to manipulate and choose another form of treatment,
– why the place of "blockage" is often painless and its location is not accidental,
– what manipulation techniques to choose for patients in acute and chronic conditions,
– how to regulate synkinetic chains by manipulation,
– why manipulation does not require strength, but only skills and practice,
– how to prepare the patient for “hard” techniques,
- what is the role of short, interspinal and interspinal rotators in coupled movements
… and many other interesting information.

We invite physiotherapy students and representatives of medical professions to the course: doctor, dentist, surgeon, physiotherapist, paramedic, massage technician, osteopath, orthopedic technician.

Do you work in another medical profession? Contact us!

9:00 – 10:30

- what are the manipulation techniques,
– influence of manipulation on synkinetic chains,
– indications and contraindications for manipulation,
– safety and diagnostic tests,
– traumatic and functional block,
– coupled and uncoupled movements of the spine,
- mm. short, interspinal and intertransversal rotators as sensors
of the spine

10:30 – 11:00

Preparation for the procedure. Spinal Oscillation Techniques:
- global
- direct
- octal

11:00 – 11:15

Coffee break

11:15 – 12:00

Angular acceleration exercises for Th spine manipulation

12:00 – 13:00

Thoracic spine manipulations:
1/ straight in lying on the front,
2/ rotational in lying on the front,
- lower Th and upper L
- upper Th
3/ straight in supine position,
4/ flexion in supine position.

13:00 14:00

Lunch break

14:00 – 14:45

Thoracic spine manipulations:
5/ rotary over the knee,
6/ straight on two knees.
7/ Traction

14:45 – 16:00

Manipulations of the lumbar spine and sacrum:
– Examination of the sacrum,
1/ rotating LS,
2/ sacrum in chronic conditions,
3/ sacrum in hyperlordosis,
4/ sacrum in acute conditions

16:00 – 16:15

Coffee break

16:15 – 17:00

Examination and manipulation of the L4-L5-S complex

17:00 – 17:30

Impact of manipulation on synkinetic chains - practice

17:30 – 18:00

Summary of the day

9:00 – 10:30

Repetition of selected manipulation techniques

10:30 – 10:45

Coffee break

10:45 – 11:30

Angular acceleration exercises for cervical spine manipulation

11:30 – 12:30

Manipulations of the cervical spine + 1st rib:
– diagnostic tests,
– the most common setting of the C0-C1-C2 complex,
– examination of the first cervical vertebra
1/ axis :
- sitting
- lying on back,
2/ atlas:
– translational,
– rotationally,
3/ C0C1:
- distraction

12:30 – 13:00

Cervico-thoracic transition manipulation

13:00 14:00

Lunch break

14:00 – 14:30

Manipulation 1st rib
 - sitting
 - lying on the front
 - lying on back,

14:30 – 15:15

Chain exercises consolidating the effects of manipulation

15:15 – 15:30

Strengthening synkinetic chains as the key to patient health

15:30 – 15:45

Coffee break

15:45 – 17:15

Repetition of techniques

17:15 – 18:00

Office examples, Q&A

9:00 – 10:00

Repetition of techniques and their use in the work with synkinetic chains

10:00 – 11:00

Upper limb manipulations, including:
– Mobilizations and anti-decentration manipulations of the shoulder girdle
– varus manipulations of the elbow joint
– Manipulations of the wrist joints
- Manipulation of the thumb joint

11:00 – 11:20

Coffee break

11:20 – 13:00

Lower limb manipulations, including:
– Traction manipulation of the hip
– Rotational manipulations of the knee joint
– Lateral mobilization of the knee joint
– Eversion and flexion mobilization of the ankle joint
– Posterior syndesmosis mobilization
– Traction-pronation manipulation
- Cuboid bone manipulation

13:00 – 13:45

Examples of work of synkinetic chains

13:45 – 14:00

Coffee break

14:00 – 14:30

Repetition of selected techniques

14:30 – 15:00

Summary and handing out of diplomas

7 reviews for MANIPULACJE w FRSc

  1. Mat

    Kurs był prowadzony przez Olgę i Bartka. Od strony merytorycznej jak i praktycznej wszystko było dopracowane. Dodatkowo jeśli chodzi o salę była odpowiednio przygotowana, przekąski i kawa super. Nie spodziewałem się nawet tak bogatego skryptu 😀
    Jedynie, ale to w mojej opinii można by zrobić taki kurs, ale np. Dwuzjazdowy żeby jeszcze przećwiczyć to chrupanie i czuć się pewniej. Chociaż z drugiej strony na powtórkę jest 50 % 🙂

  2. Bartosz

    Charyzma, cierpliwość i zaangażowanie prowadzących sprzyja zdobywaniu nowych umiejętności. Nowa widza w połączeniu z logicznymi i skutecznymi technikami w końcu pozwoliła zrozumieć mi w pełni sens manipulacji. Ogromna podziękowania dla Eweliny i Bartosza!

  3. Ewelola

    Bardzo wartościowy kurs, Ewelina i Bartek wspaniali i przezdolni w tym co robią i jak przekazują swoją wiedzę i umiejętności. Chyba nie można lepiej trafić 😉 polecam w 10000%!

  4. Asia

    Szkolenie mega profesjonalne pod każdym względem. Bardzo przydatna teoria oraz mnóstwo praktyki która umożliwiła nawet nam kobietom wykonać najtrudniejsze manipulacje. Cieszę się że mogłam uczestniczyć w tym wydarzeniu 🙂 Ewelina, Bartosz dziękuję z całego serducha 🫶

  5. Natalia

    Szkolenie na najwyższym poziomie, wszystkie techniki manipulacji dobrze wytłumaczone i pokazane, dużo praktyki i pozytywna energia 🙂

  6. Monika

    Super szkolenie, dużo dodatkowych informacji, proste i realne techniki do wykonania nawet dla tych bojących manipulować 😅 Fajnie prowadzone, dostosowane również dla płci pięknej, jak wykonać żeby chrupło.
    Byłam wcześniej na innych szkoleniach z manipulacji ale te wg FRSc są numer 1.

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