Entrepreneurship in a physiotherapist's office

1 650,00 

Adam Basta – graduate of the University of Economics in Wrocław and the Warsaw School of Economics. Manager, entrepreneur, expert in management. Since 2019, he has been closely cooperating with the physiotherapy industry as the Director of the FRSc Academy and a Member of the Management Board of the FRSc company.

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3 dni
Place: Spała
Certyfikat MEN

A physiotherapist who wants to start providing services in the private sector faces a difficult challenge. Although after years of study and gaining experience (as well as after completing additional courses) they are generally well prepared for the profession, unfortunately they do not have the knowledge and skills to become an entrepreneur. Education at no stage of education prepares people to consciously and responsibly run a business. 

Of course, you don't have to study economics or management to run a physiotherapy practice, but it's worth realizing that you can't run your own business purely intuitively. You need to learn at least the basics of legal and economic issues to avoid costly mistakes on the one hand, and do it well enough to achieve satisfactory results on the other.

Course "Entrepreneurship in the Physiotherapist's Office - BASIC" is a workshop. These are not boring lectures to listen to, but intensive creative work on creating a concept for your own business. The course program includes all the issues that are necessary to take the first steps in business activity.

It is worth coming to the course with your laptop or tablet to create your own business plan live, step by step. The very accessible form of conducting the course by an experienced entrepreneur, ready-made forms to fill out and a creative atmosphere will allow listeners to design their business from A to Z. Thanks to this, it will be formally correct, effective on the market and financially satisfying from the very beginning.

Familiarize yourself with the course program. If you quickly come to the conclusion that you don't understand any of this, that's great! It means that this course is for you.

What makes this course unique?

Course "Entrepreneurship in the Physiotherapist's Office - BASIC" makes it stand out is that it is:

  • profiled – created especially for physiotherapists,
  • accessible – presented in simple language with many real-life examples,
  • complete – presents all the issues related to starting a business,
  • practical – the workshop format engages participants and encourages creative work,
  • inspiring – working in a group promotes creativity and finding interesting ideas,
  • personalized – we work together, but each for himself,
  • pragmatic – the result of the course is your own step-by-step action plan

For whom is this course? 

The course is intended for people who are just planning to start their own business and run a private practice. In particular, the course is intended for:

  • students of the last years of studies in physiotherapy or related fields,
  • people working in a profession in the public sector,
  • people working in the private sector on a full-time or B2B basis,
  • people returning to work in their profession after a long break,
  • people returning from abroad and foreigners unfamiliar with Polish realities. 
  1. Wprowadzenie. 
  2. Podstawy przedsiębiorczości.
  3. Dotacja na rozpoczęcie działalności. 
  4. Twoja firma: 
    • Elementy podstawowe: 
      • wybór nazwy, 
      • wybór przedmiotu działalności, 
      • wybór formy prawnej działalności, 
      • wybór formy opodatkowania, 
      • obowiązki dodatkowe w celu uruchomienia działalności, 
      • wybór lokalu na gabinet, 
      • wybór usług dodatkowych (księgowe, prawne, doradcze), 
      • obecny i zakładany udział w rynku, 
    • Elementy strategiczne: 
      • wizja firmy, 
      • misja firmy, 
      • cele firmy. 
  5. Twoje otoczenie: 
    • Analiza otoczenia konkurencyjnego: 
      • charakterystyka branży, 
      • zakres i siła konkurencji,
    • Analiza makrootoczenia: 
      • politycznego, 
      • prawnego, 
      • ekonomicznego, 
      • społeczno-etycznego,
      • technologicznego. 
  6. Analiza SWOT. 
  1. Twoja inwestycja: 
    • Zakres inwestycji,
    • Źródła finansowania
  2. Ekonomika Twojej działalności: 
    • Przychody, 
    • Koszty, 
    • Dochody.
  3. Twój marketing: 
    • Analiza rynku, 
    • Zakres usług, 
    • Optymalne ceny, 
    • Działania promocyjne: 
      • ograniczenia w reklamowaniu działalności, 
      • reklama klasyczna (szyld, ulotki, wizytówki), 
      • reklama internetowa (www, Google, Facebook, Instagram), 
    • Warunki świadczenia usług
  1. Dokumentacja gabinetowa: 
    • Dokumentacja medyczna, 
    • Regulamin, 
    • Zgoda na zabieg, informacja RODO, cennik. 
  2.  Organizacja pracy: 
    • Rejestracja i potwierdzanie wizyt, 
    • Płatności gotówkowe i bezgotówkowe, 
    • Kasa fiskalna i terminal płatniczy.
  3. Ubezpieczenia: 
    • Ubezpieczenie odpowiedzialności cywilnej,
    • Ubezpieczenie na życie i od następstw nieszczęśliwych wypadków, 
    • Ubezpieczenie majątku, 
    • Ubezpieczenie utraty dochodów, 
    • Ubezpieczenia społeczne i zdrowotne.


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