5th Regulatory System according to FRSc

The last, Fifth Regulatory Arrangement according to the FRSc is the one that - it must be honestly admitted - still leaves more questions than answers. Basically, it can be said that it refers to the skin projective areas (SPA), but that's about as far as saying nothing.

Ways of transmitting information in the body…

We know about the many ways that information travels in the human body. Of course, the most obvious are the neural pathways. We can also look at cascades of biochemical reactions. Sometimes bioelectric. Taking a more mechanical point of view, we will find literature on biotensegrity and fascia. And so much, much more.
The information itself can reach us in various ways. Pressure, vibration, acoustic stimulus, light wave, tactile stimulus. And again much, much more.

As psychology and psychiatry have been proving for years, there is one more specific way of mutual exchange of information that takes place directly between the mind and the body. The medical nomenclature describes this type of circulation of information as psychosomatic effects, i.e. situations in which a given ailment can materialize in the body as a result of its projection in the mind, and exactly the opposite - when a physical ailment significantly and visibly affects the functions of the mind.

...and beyond

There are also a number of reports and experiments from the borderline of science and parascience reporting on remote communication capabilities of organisms. Mentioned here are such phenomena such as mitogenic radiation, biophotons or issues related to electromagnetism, on which many scientists worked, such as Aleksander G. Gurwicz, prof. dr. Fritz Albert Popp, Wlail Mr. Kaznaczeev, or prof. dr. Shiuji Inomata. Unfortunately, the work and achievements of researchers so far remain so uncertain that they cannot be considered conventional knowledge, on the basis of which completely new medical theses could be put.

Despite this, modern medicine uses the knowledge of the existence of waves and fields in relation to, for example, the electromagnetic field, which is very widely used both in therapy and in magnetic resonance imaging, where the mechanisms of interaction take place at the level of extremely complicated and detailed physics.

Skladowski's discoveries

The creator of the FRSc found the Fifth Regulatory System while working with clavicles, and later also with pins. He noticed that, regardless of the patient's dysfunction, very often the skin located directly in the projection of a deeper pathology (often assigned to one of the other Regulatory Systems) had undersensitized or oversensitized features. Systematic tapping of these skin fragments with the sharpened part of the clavicles or pins began to bring therapeutic effects in the form of regressing the pathology and stabilizing the patient's condition, while normalizing the level of the received stimulus. Over time, the tapping technique became neutral for the patient. These zones were named Skin Projective Areas (SPA).

Who is the patient?

Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question. Regulator V seems to somehow permeate other Regulatory Systems and most likely can accompany any pathology taking place both within and outside the musculoskeletal system. Skin Reactive Zones, their nature and mechanism of action are waiting for the extension of observations and the initiation of thorough scientific research, both at the theoretical level (reviews of literature), as well as at the laboratory and clinical level.

There is no doubt that the techniques developed by Dr. Składowski bring relief to patients, although the exact mechanism of their action remains unrecognized.

Krzysztof Skibiński

Krzysztof Skibiński

Fizjoterapeuta, prowadzący szkolenia z Pinoterapii, Medycyny Manualnej wg FRSc. Poza prowadzeniem szkoleń u boku twórcy FRSc, zajmuje się również koordynacją badań oraz projektów naukowych w nurcie EBM.

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