Certified Master


I am a physiotherapist, naturopath, body and trauma therapist.

I graduated from the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice and the Academy of Physical Education in Katowice in the field of physiotherapy. In addition, also doctoral studies, specializations in physiotherapy and postgraduate pedagogy.

Since 2009, he has been working as an academic teacher at SUM in Katowice, where I conduct classes with students of physiotherapy, nursing, medical faculties and English-speaking students. In my experience, you can find the organization of many conferences, workshops and courses for physiotherapists, doctors, psychologists and educators. Numerous publications, chapters in the textbook and conference presentations.

From 2008-2018, I coordinated research in the inter-central research program The Arterial Revascularization Trial (ART), conducted by Oxford University in cooperation with the Cardiac Surgery Clinic and the Clinical Trials and Evaluation Unit of the Royal Brompton Hospital and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust in London. I have been working as a physiotherapist since 2007. Working at the rehabilitation clinic, I gained great experience, but I still had a shortage, patients came back with the same ailments year after year. I began to search and connect the systemic connections in the body. More and more often my knowledge was supplemented by courses in unconventional methods, therapy through the body, neurophysiology, mechanobiology and psychology. 

In 2013, I obtained the qualifications of a Cranio-Sacral Therapy therapist. It was craniosacral therapy that turned out to be a treatment for me that takes into account physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects. I have noticed that a gentle and non-invasive approach to patients strengthens them and restores confidence in managing their own health resources. It builds a sense of security. The principles of this therapy have deepened my respect, passion and humility for this powerful method of healing. By supporting healing processes, to reduce the impact of barriers in the body and to calm down defense mechanisms resulting from psychogenic tensions or past traumas. I noticed that the body is the carrier of our personal stories, personalities and emotional states.

Why FRSc?

The turning point for me was coming to Spała. Radek Skladowski's innovative look at the human body, its mechanics, regulations and effective therapeutic techniques completely changed my perspective of work. It changed me as a therapist, my self-awareness and knowledge. An in-depth view of how the body works and the generators of various symptoms gave me a range of tools that made helping patients even more effective and quick. The whole training was composed of what for years was not arranged and not folded into a logical analysis. With great gratitude I accepted the opportunity to join the group of extraordinary people who make up the team of Instructors, also to further educate myself and develop my therapeutic skills.

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