Certified Master
I am a physiotherapist, hirudotherapist and naturopath. I graduated from the Movement Rehabilitation Department of the Academy of Physical Education in Krakow in the field of Physiotherapy (2002-2007).

Since 2008, I have been professionally involved in improving the health and condition of my patients. I have completed numerous courses in soft tissue therapy, manual therapy and urogynecology.
Since 2019 I have been working with Radek Składowski prowadząc szkolenie z Pinotherapy, V moduł w kolejnych edycjach szkoleń z Manual Medicine. Współtworzyłam także szkolenie z Manipulacji w FRSc. Podczas których udowadnia się, że do sprawnego manipulowania kręgosłupa stukilowego faceta nie potrzeba ani siły, ani masy, ale odpowiedniej techniki.
I run a medical facility in Gdynia. In my work, I primarily use the concept of the Five Regulatory Systems (FRSc), combining it with elements of acupuncture, naturopathy, hirudotherapy and medical training. Privately, I am a mother of two children. I love mountains, water and traveling. I'm never bored. In my free time I reach for a good book.