Certified Instructor


I am a doctor, manual therapist, naturopath, acupuncturist, hirudotherapist and breathwork therapist by education. Under the influence of my personal experience, I changed my approach to treatment and the perception of the patient. I look at a person holistically and individually as an inseparable whole of body, emotions, mind and spirit. I believe that the foundation of treatment is a mindful individual approach to a person.

For many years I have been fascinated by the mind-body connections and how they interact with each other. To a large extent, my area of activity and interests is helping psychosomatic patients and those with non-specific pain symptoms. I combine work with the body with meditation and breathing practices. I believe that the techniques of working with breath are a great tool that allows patients to enter deeper states of feeling themselves, their feelings and needs, which in turn affects their daily choices and improves the quality of life.

I am constantly improving my qualifications by training in the best centers and with the best therapists in Poland and in the world. I pay great attention to my personal development. The skills gained from development workshops, work with the body, breath, my own psychotherapy and interpersonal training allowed me to build a better foundation for working with the patient through my own experiences.

In my free time I travel, dance, box and surf. The forest is my place where I calm my mind and catch my breath.

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