MANUAL MEDICINE is our flagship course, covering a compendium of knowledge of the Five Regulatory Systems concept (FRSc).

Moduł I – 01-04 września 2022
Moduł II – 06-09 października 2022
Moduł IIIa – 11-13 listopada 2022
Moduł IIIb – 09-11 grudnia 2022
Moduł IV – 13-15 stycznia 2023

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By choosing the option with an advance payment, you will receive two invoices after the course
Duration: 17 days
(4 + 4 + 3 + 3 +3)
Place: Spała
Dofinansowanie KFS

Manual medicine is a branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of detected reversible functional changes in the musculoskeletal system. The foundation of manual medicine in the original approach of Radosław Składowski is concept of Five Regulatory SystemsFRSc.

Thorough knowledge of anatomy and physiology combined with the ability to use the principles of the five regulatory systems and manual proficiency in healing techniques developed by Składowski often allow for a spectacular restoration of the broadly understood correct function as well as maintaining conditions that prevent the deepening of pathologies.

The assumption of the method developed by the orthopedic doctor Radosław Składowski is to teach the students so that after completing each module he or she will be able to independently lead the patient out of the pathological process at an increasingly higher level.

What does the manual medicine course teach physiotherapists?

• restoring the proper functioning of our body, mainly the musculoskeletal system
• stopping disease progression
• slowing down the progression of disease processes that cannot be stopped
• accelerating the healing of injuries (sprains, fractures, bruises) and inflammations
• impact on restoring homeostasis of internal organs, which leads to their autoregulation and recovery from internal, metabolic and some neurological diseases.

Module 0 - Pinotherapy

Course of Pinotherapy is a mandatory course for people who want to take part in the next modules of Manual Medicine according to FRSc. Therefore, the Module I program does not include a complete coverage of the theory of the Five Regulatory Systems, but only complements this knowledge with new, more detailed information and techniques. Among them are:

  • Discussion of the so-called a/c ligaments and the phenomenon of pseudo-stumps (spring effect)
  • Demonstration of techniques, i.e. "KAT Udarowy"
  • Developing knowledge in the field of compartment development
  • Development of theories and hypotheses regarding the formation of neurocompartments
  • Expanding the characteristics of lipodynia zones with visceral correlations and their use in abdominal surgery
  • Expanding the theory regarding the IV and V regulatory system
  • Complementing the techniques dedicated to the IV regulatory system with articular manipulation techniques and subsequent occlusal techniques

Due to the amount of knowledge (both theoretical and practical) presented to students during FRSc courses, before some courses/modules the student receives a prescript designed to facilitate the absorption of material during the course as much as possible. In addition, in order to consolidate the knowledge transferred, the trainees also receive postsciptum after part of the courses/modules. The information contained therein relates to and complements the most difficult and extensive parts of the training/training modules. Both the materials provided before and after the course are created e.g. based on the opinion of previous training graduates and observations of the training staff.

Pinotherapy is an entry-level course based on the Five Regulatory Systems concept (FRSc). The course is a kind of summary of the concept of manual medicine by Radosław Składowski and therefore it is recommended as an introduction to our flagship course of Manual Medicine.

Pinotherapy is a collection of diagnostic and therapeutic methods and techniques for selected musculoskeletal disorders. The course forms a closed and coherent whole. It gives useful and safe tools to work with a wide range of patients. Pinotherapy can be both a separate therapeutic method and be used as a supplement to functional diagnostics or manual therapy in other concepts used or previously learned by the student.

The course is dedicated to people with medical education. The course is aimed at presenting the student with therapeutic thought according to the concept of the Five Regulatory Systems (FRSc) by Składowski, with particular emphasis on clinical reasoning, so that the course graduate uses the presented techniques safely and prudently.

Pinotherapy is used in the treatment of a number of orthopedic and neurological diseases, in acute and chronic pain syndromes, e.g. injuries and overload syndromes. It can also be used as part of a comprehensive therapy of functional disorders. As a method that uses various stimuli, it is adapted to work with patients of all ages.

We invite representatives of medical professions to the course: physiotherapist, doctor, massage technician, osteopath, dentist, nurse, midwife, paramedic.

9:00 – 10:00
Opening of the course, discussion of organizational issues, introduction of participants and instructors

10:00 – 10:30
Definition of Manual Medicine in the FRS concept

10:30 – 12:00
Regulatory System I - Piezoactive:

  • a reminder of the theoretical background: the division of receptors and their functions, the piezoelectric phenomenon and mechanotransduction - possible significance in the course of the formation and treatment of pathologies in the 1st Regulator, specification of piezoactive points and zones
  • discussion of type A/C ligaments and the phenomenon of the so-called spring effect
  • characteristics of the patient's pain
  • patient typology

12:00 – 12:15

12:15 – 14:00
Regulatory System II - Humoral:

  • a reminder of the theoretical basis for the formation of compartments
  • examples of compartments
  • the neurocompartment phenomenon
  • characteristics of the patient's pain
  • patient typology

14:00 – 15:00
Lunch break

15:00 – 16:00
Regulatory System III - Autonomic Nervous System:

  • reminder of the theoretical foundations
  • sympathicotonia and algodystrophy
  • discussion of the daily activity of the ANS and the characteristics of the patient's pain
  • patient typology

16:00 – 16:30
Practical part - improving the skills of palpation of lipodynia zones

16:30 – 16:45

16:45 – 17:30
Regulatory System IV - Extrapyramidal System:

  • reminder of the theoretical foundations
  • reptile eight chain
  • patient typology

17:30 – 18:00
Practical part:

  • short-circuits
  • KAT technique

09:00 – 10:00
Repetition of key issues from the previous day
Answers to questions
Regulatory System V - the phenomenon of Skin Reactive Zones:

  • presentation of three therapeutic hypotheses

10:00 – 11:30
FRSc Manual Medicine specific concepts

  • division of the musculoskeletal system into obnar and osnar
  • division of chains into segmental, segmental and global
  • discussion of kinematic phenomena relevant to manual medicine
  • division and discussion of the ranges of motion in the joints - a theoretical introduction to joint manipulations
  • division of joint resistances
  • oscillatory mobilizations
  • Karb phenomenon
  • synkinetic chain - popular definition
  • types of overloads and blockages in the human motion system

11:30 – 11:45

11:45 – 12:30
Coupled movements
Practical learning of spinal manipulation - preparation for proper techniques

12:30 – 14:00
Biomechanics in FRSc - Newton's laws of motion.
Targeted manipulations of the cervical spine.

14:00 – 15:00
Lunch break

15:00 – 16:00
Biomechanics in FRSc - dynamics of a rigid body.
Practical preparation for manipulation of the lower spine

16:00 – 16:30
Introduction to manipulation of the thoracic spine

16:30 – 16:45

16:45 – 18:00
General and detailed medical history,

  • receptor
  • neurological
  • projected
  • abdominal

09:00 – 13:00
Repetition of key issues from the previous day
Answers to questions

13:00 – 14:00

14:00 – 15:00
Lunch break

15:00 – 16:30
Moving from research to therapy
Therapeutic assumptions
Diagnostic and therapeutic course

16:30 – 16:45

16:45 – 18:00
Practical part:
Examination and manipulation of the sacrum
Short-circuts: M13, Eminentia, Uroboros

09:00 – 11:00
Repetition of key issues from the previous day. Answers to questions
Physical examination
Neurological tests

11:00 – 11:15

11:15 – 13:15
Abdominal treatment

13:15 – 13:30

13:30 – 15:00
Chain - Rest
Chain - Support

  • translational C1
  • translational-rotation C1
  • distraction C0-C1



9:00 – 10:00
Opening, discussion of organizational issues, introduction of Participants and Instructors

10:00 – 10:30
Definition of FRSc treatment strategy - abreaction
Discussion of indications and contraindications for abreaction techniques

10:30 – 11:00
Sympathetic excitability state test
Discussion of the integument zones above the frontal lobe of the brain and projection fields of the body
Discussion of the methods of lipodynia development in the head area

11:00 – 11:15
Practical exercises of the discussed techniques

11:15 – 11:30 
Coffee break

11:30 – 12:00
Discussion and practical preparation of craniofacial sutures
Discussion and practical preparation of craniofacia
Elements of auriculotherapy
Cranial short-circut

12:00 – 12:15
Practical exercises of the discussed techniques

12:15 – 12:45
Discussion of the role of the central lipodynia in abreaction techniques
Discussion and development of the trunk zones
Global abreaction with the reptile eight chain
Key pathologies that may occur peripherally
Reminder from the previous foot occlusal syndromes module in relation to abreaction

12:34 – 13:00
Practical exercises of the discussed techniques

13:00 – 14:00
Lunch break

14:00 – 16:00

16:00 – 16:15

16:15 – 18:00
biomechanics cont.


9:00 – 9:30
Repetition of key issues from the previous day
Answers to questions

9:30 – 11:00
Introduction to dry needling techniques 
Discussion of indications, contraindications and places of particular risk
Discussion of the rules of conduct: disinfection, type of needles, puncture sites, needling methods and post-treatment reactions
Principles of proper palpation and needle application
Procedure in emergency situations

11:00 – 11:15
Coffee break

11:15 – 13:00

Myogelosis of the greater thoracic fold line
Neurokompartment splotu ramiennego
Myogelosis of the trapezius muscle 
The neurocompartment of the accessory nerve
Myogelosis of the distal segment of the latissimus dorsi

13:00 – 14:00
Lunch break

14:00 – 16:00
Subscapular area
Myogeloses and collar beams of the infraspinatus and the belly-tendon transition
Transition of the belly of the supraspinatus tendon
Collar beams levator scapulae / trapezius

16:00 – 16:15

16:15 – 18:00
Collar beams of the deltoid
Radial nerve neurocompartment (upper part)
Collar beams of the brachialis/m. brachioradial
Radial nerve neurocompartment (lower part)
Neurocompartment of the median nerve


9:00 – 9:30
Repetition of key issues from the previous day
Answers to questions

9:30 – 11:00
Wrist dry needling applications
Hand dry needling applications
Sternoclavicular joint disc

11:00 – 11:15
Coffee break

11:15 – 13:00
Semispinous capitis myogelosis
Paraspinal tissues
Pelvic ligaments

13:00 – 14:00
Lunch break

14:00 – 16:00
Neurocompartments of the superior gluteal nerve
Myogelosis of the gluteus maximus
Myogelosis of the gluteus medius
Myogelosis of the piriformis
Myogelosis of the tensor fascie latae
Neurocompartment of the Clunium nerves
Collar beams of the medial, posterior and lateral thigh
Clamping ring of the thigh on the back side

16:00 – 16:15

16:15 – 18:00
Jumper's knee application
Runner's knee application
Medial meniscus
Synovial point of the knee
Collar beams of the shin
Attach the soleus to the lateral head of the gastrocnemius


9:00 – 9:30
Repetition of key issues from the previous day
Answers to questions

9:30 – 11:00
Posterior tibiofibular syndesmosis
ATFL ligament
Dry needling applications in the area of the ankle joint

11:00 – 11:15 
Coffee break

11:15 – 13:00
Dry needling foot applications
Pubic symphysis

13:00 – 15:00
Lipodynias in the approach of Bartek Czajka and Kuba Łamajkowski

9:00 – 9:45  

9:45 – 10:45  
Fish Christmas tree and dragonflies chain THEORY

10:45 – 11:00 
Coffee break

11:00 – 11:45  
Fish Christmas tree and dragonflies chain PRACTICE

11:45 – 12:30   
Reptilian eight chain THEORY

12:30 – 13:30  
Reptile eight chain PRACITCE

13:30 – 14:30 
Lunch break

14:30 – 14:40   
Mobilizations and manipulations of the shoulder girdle THEORY

14:40 – 15:00   
Mobilizations and manipulations of the shoulder girdle PRACTICE

15:00 – 15:10   
Mobilizations and manipulations of the elbow joint THEORY

15:10 – 15:20 
Mobilizations and manipulations of the elbow joint PRACTICE

15:20 – 15:30  
Mobilizations and manipulations of wrist joints THEORY

15:30 – 15:45
Mobilizations and manipulations of wrist joints PRACTICE

15:45 – 16:00  
Coffee break

16:00 – 16:10 
Mobilizations and manipulations of the hip THEORY

16:10 – 16:30   
Mobilizations and manipulations of the hip PRACTICE

16:30 – 16:40 
Knee mobilizations and manipulations THEORY

16:40 – 17:00  
Knee mobilizations and manipulations PRACTICE

17:00 – 17:10   
Mobilizations and manipulations of the ankle and tarsal bones THEORY

17:10 – 17:30 
Mobilizations and manipulations of the ankle and tarsal bones PRACTICE

17:30 – 18:00
Repetition of selected techniques of mobilization and manipulation PRACTICE

9:00 – 9:30  
Bundles THEORY

9:30 – 10:00 

10:00 – 10:15  
Locomotor chains: upper lunge THEORY

10:15 – 10:45  
Locomotor chains: upper lunge PRACTICE

10:45 – 11:00  
Coffee break

11:00 – 11:45 
Locomotor chains: upper stride continued PRACTICE

11:45 – 12:30 
The stride of the lizard and the lemur THEORY

12:30 – 13:30 
Locomotor chains: upper stride continued PRACTICE

13:30 – 14:30
Lunch break

14:30 – 14:45
Locomotive Chains: Upward Reflection THEORY

14:45 – 15:30
Locomotive Chains: Upward Reflection PRACTICE

15:30 – 15:45
Locomotor chains: upward reflection disease entities THEORY

15:45 – 16:00 
Coffee break

16:00 – 16:15   
Locomotor chains: lower stride THEORY

16:15 – 17:00
Locomotor chains: lower stride PRACTICE

17:00 – 17:15
Locomotor chains: lower reflection THEORY

17:15 – 18:00
Locomotor chains: lower reflection PRACTICE

9:00 – 9:30
Postural chains theory

9:30 – 10:00
Postural chains practice

10:00 – 10:20
Support chain theory

10:20 – 11:00
Support chain practice

11:00 – 11:15
Coffee break

11:15 – 11:45
Rest chain theory

11:45 – 12:30
Rest chain practice

12:30 – 13:00
Respiratory chain theory

13:00 – 13:30
Respiratory chain practice

13:30 – 13:45
Coffee break

13:45 – 14:30
Repetition of selected manipulation techniques

14:30 – 15:00
Summary and handing out of diplomas

9:00 –  9:20

9:20 –  9:40
OHS work with short circuits.

9:40 –  10:00
Contraindications for the short-circuit technique.

10:00 –  10:20
The idea of the work, discussion of the most important aspects and errors during short-circuit work.

10:20 –  10:30

10:30 –  11:40
Discussion of short circuits for the head, upper quadrant of the body and the upper limb.
Presentation, tissue palpation, short-circuit practice. Part 1

11:40 –  11:50

11:50 –  13:00
Discussion of short circuits for the head, upper quadrant of the body and the upper limb.
Presentation, tissue palpation, short circut practice. Part 2

13:00 –  14:00
Lunch break

14:00 –  18:00
Manipulation part

9:00 –  9:30
Introduction - a reminder of the most important techniques, questions, discussion of the difficulties of the previous day.

9:30 –  10:35
Discussion of short circut for the pelvis, lower quadrant of the body and the lower limb.
Presentation, tissue palpation, short-circuit practice. Part 1

10:35 –  10:45

10:45 –  11:50
Discussion of short circut for the pelvis, lower quadrant of the body and the lower limb.
Presentation, tissue palpation, short circut practice. Part 2

11:50 –  12:00

12:00 –  13:00
Discussion of abdominal short circuits, and supplementing the techniques of abdominal work
Presentation, tissue palpation, short circut practice.

13:00 –  14:00
Lunch break

14:00 – 18:00
Manipulation part

9:00 –  9:30
Introduction - a reminder of the most important techniques, questions, discussion of the difficulties of the previous day.

9:30 –  10:30
Case study or how to combine short circuits with other FRSc techniques in a practical way.
Creating a strategy and methodology based on clinical examples.

10:30 –  10:45
Coffee break

10:45 –  12:15
Clinical practice. Practical exercises of the techniques learned using clinical examples. Part 1.

12:15 –  12:30

12:30 –  14:00
Clinical practice. Practical exercises of the techniques learned using clinical examples. Part 2.

14:00 –  15:00
Closing the course. Handing out certificates.

9:00 – 9:20

9:20 – 9:40 
Ways of spreading the pathology "De grengolada"

9:40 – 10:20 

10:20 – 10:35

10:35 – 11:00 
Needling techniques - M. Multifidus

11:00 – 11:35 
Difficult condions of the cervical part

11:35 – 12:00 
Mobilization of cervical vessels (vertebral and deep neck)

12:00 – 12:30 
Manipulations - cervical spine techniques

12:30 – 13:00 
Disc chemistry

13:00 – 14:00 
Lunch break

14:00 – 14:10 

14:10 – 15:20 
Hernias of the nucleus pulposus

15:20 – 15:35

15:35 – 17:00 
Trunk locks - and shifts 

17:00 – 17:50  
Modus operandi - manipulation and slump technique

17:50 – 18:00 
Summary of the day

9:00 – 09:20
Introduction - a reminder of the topic, questions

9:20 – 10:20 
Difficult conditions - Overview of chest pathology

10:20 – 10:35

10:35 – 13:00 
Difficult states - Overview of upper limb pathology

13:00 – 14:00
Lunch break

14:00 – 14:10

14:10 – 15:50 

15:50 – 16:00

16:00 – 17:50 
Difficult states - Overview of lower limb pathology

17:50 – 18:00
Summary of the day

9:00 – 9:10
Introduction - a reminder of the topic, questions

9:10 – 11:40 
Headaches, tinnitus, balance disorders

11:40 – 12:10

12:10 – 14:00 
Summary of the Manual Medicine course

14:00 – 15:00
Handing out diplomas

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