RADIOLOGY in a physiotherapist's workshop

2 250,00 

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Duration: 3 days
Place: Spała

Radiology in the physiotherapist's workshop by FRSc is a course created for everyone who has contact with patient imaging on a daily basis. Its purpose is to systematize basic knowledge in the field of Radiology, i.e. types of imaging techniques and their usefulness in clinical practice, as well as the ability to interpret them. The course is intended both for people starting their "adventure with pictures" and for people who already have some proficiency in the interpretation of radiological imaging. This means that the training is addressed to all those people who feel the need to learn how to navigate in the world of "black and white photography", and so far have not been able to assess or find the appropriate structures.

During the course, the concepts used in radiology will be presented from scratch based on selected imaging. What you can most often encounter in clinical practice will be analyzed together with the participants on the basis of selected cases. The course is guided by the idea of working together with the course participants to effectively acquire the ability to "read" imaging studies, and by the way, radiological references to FRSc theses and discoveries are shown.

As part of the course, basic examinations such as X-ray, MRI and CT will be discussed. Both normal and containing pathologies of a traumatic nature or occurring as part of degenerative processes, also in terms of the so-called "red flags". Sample programs for reading imaging studies will also be discussed, as well as how to use them, their advantages and limitations.

The training will be conducted by: Radek Składowski, Wojciech Gorgul, Łukasz Olszewski

We invite physiotherapy students and representatives of medical professions to the course: doctor, dentist, surgeon, physiotherapist, nurse, midwife, paramedic, massage technician, osteopath, medical assistant, orthopedic technician, occupational therapist.

Do you work in another medical profession? Contact us!

9:00 – 13:00

Introduction to radiology

Basic radiological terms, types of examinations, normal and pathological image

Programs for reading radiological examinations - learning how to use them - possibilities, limitations

13:00 14:00

Lunch break

14:00 – 18:00

Radiology in musculoskeletal traumatology

Fractures - types. bone fusion process, difficult/delayed fusion, pseudoarthrosis

Slow/fatigue fractures

9:00 – 13:00

Radiology in degenerative diseases

Upper limb and chest

Pelvis and lower limb

13:00 14:00

Lunch break

14:00 – 18:00



Odc. Piersiowy


9:00 – 14:00

Completion of topics in the field of spinal radiology

"Red Flags" in radiological examinations

Questions and answers, evaluation of photos of training participants

2 reviews for RADIOLOGIA w warsztacie fizjoterapeuty

  1. Konrad

    Bylem na kursie. No cóż jedynie co mogę to polecić. Prowadzący rozjaśnili mi trochę obrazów w głowie, wskazali na co patrzeć. Jak zawsze dobra atmosfera i duża dawka praktycznej wiedzy.

  2. Piotr Bihun

    Kurs bardzo praktyczny i ułatwiający diagnostykę na podstawie analizy zdjęć RTG, oraz MRI. Podczas kursu również praca z programem do odczytywania badań obrazowych. No i jak to na kursach Frsc przyjazna atmosfera i wspaniali prowadzący. Serdecznie polecam 🙂

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