The use of the short-circuit technique according to the FRSc concept in clinical practice

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Duration: 2 days
Place: Wrocław

During courses of Manual Medicine and Pinotherapy, listeners have a chance to learn techniques called short-circuiting. It is a very strong tool in difficult conditions with a severe course and in chronic pain. The technique itself is very often overlooked when working with a patient due to its intense and painful course. Therapists do not want to use such violent and strong stimuli, fearing a negative reaction from the patient himself. They also often avoid it for fear of incorrect execution of the short-circuit and the negative effects of its use. This is a great pity for the therapy and its effectiveness!

During two days, apart from the theory and practice of short-circuiting, we invite real patients who present their case to us, allowing us to jointly conduct therapy based on FRSc techniques. This is a great opportunity to actively participate in the course of the entire therapy in the form that we can see in the office of long-term practitioners of this method.

Short-circuiting and their use in severe musculoskeletal disorders

The workshop "Short-circuits in FRSc" was created based on the passion and experience of the lecturers. The classes are entirely devoted to issues related to this technique and its application in therapeutic work. By consulting the cases, we collected information about any doubts from the therapist and we dispel them during joint practice. Our task is to "tame" short circuits and show them in a positive light.

During the classes, we focus on practical exercises of both techniques previously learned during our trainings, as well as learning new techniques that are extremely effective in working with chronic and acute pain patients. We show how the analgesic and tissue-relaxing effect gives the therapist the opportunity to use this technique in different ways, depending on the type of disease. We also pay a lot of attention to the action of short-circuiting at the level of psycho-emotional work related to the fifth regulator.

We present and practice the palpation anatomy of occlusal points and the way of applying tools in given areas in great detail. As practitioners of this method, we present the possibilities of using short circuits as support for mobilization and manipulation techniques.

During the workshops, we put special emphasis on the maximum use of time for practical exercises along with dispelling any doubts of the participants.

The scenario of the workshop assumes a theoretical introduction, which is devoted to the concept of Five Regulatory Systems (FRSc) and the relationship between individual Regulators against the background of short-circuit applications. We will discuss:
– piezoelectric phenomenon and its use in therapy,
– short-circut pain and disorders
– exact qualifications of the patient for treatments,
- algorithm depending on the case,
– interaction of short circuits with other therapeutic techniques.

The practical part is devoted to the occlusion technique itself, its skilful application, introducing the patient to its operation and occupational health and safety of the therapy. 

We invite physiotherapy students* and representatives of medical professions to the course: doctor, dentist, surgeon, physiotherapist, nurse, midwife, paramedic, massage technician, osteopath, medical assistant, orthopedic technician, occupational therapist.

Do you work in another medical profession? Contact us!

* An knowledge of human anatomy and physiology with a particular emphasis on abdominal organs, circulatory, lymphatic and muscular systems is required


Basic of 5 Regulatory Concept


OHS work with short circuits.

Contraindications for the short-circuit technique.

The idea of the work, discussion of the most important aspects and errors during short-circuit work.

Safety during short-circuit operation.

The issue of emotional/etheric break-up - working methods.


Discussion of short circuits for the head and neck.
Presentation, tissue palpation, short-circuit practice. Part 1

Lunch break

Discussion of short circuits for the head, upper quadrant of the body and the upper limb.
Presentation, tissue palpation, short circut practice. Part 2


Discussion of short circuits for the lumbar spine and pelvis.
Presentation, tissue palpation, short circuit practice. Part 3

Clinical work with the patient

Introduction - a reminder of the most important techniques, questions, discussion of the difficulties of the previous day.

Discussion of short circuits for the lower limb.
Presentation, tissue palpation, short-circuit practice. Part 4


Clinical work with the patient

Discussion of abdominal short circuits, and supplementing the techniques of abdominal work
Presentation, tissue palpation, short-circuit practice. Part 5


Clinical work with the patient

Summary and the end of the course

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