Spała, 25.03.2024
Radosław Składowski's standpoint on PINOTHERAPY
Three years have passed since the publication of my standpoint on PINOTHERAPY (PINOPRESSURE). Unfortunately, neither it nor the proposal made in it were respected. On the contrary, I observe that more entities have joined the group of unfair courses organizers. Out of concern for the courses recipients who are and may be misled, and above all for the well-being of patients, I am forced to speak up again.
My original method is commonly called PINOTHERAPY or PINOPRESSURE. Although I prefer to use the term PINOTHERAPY, in the public space both concepts are used interchangeably - as synonyms. For the average recipient, they have no distinctive character. They are used to denote a method I have created, as well as courses in which this method is taught. I insist that other trainers play cleanly and respect that. Only training courses authorized by me and conducted by qualified staff may be marked with the PINOTHERAPY or PINOPRESURY symbol or another term referring to the ones used.
I still have no objection to the fact that the training market would also offer other - alternative to mine - courses for techniques other than mine in using tools such as Pins or Cats. However, the condition is to maintain basic market honesty. Such courses cannot be called PINOTHERAPY, PINOPRESURE or any other name referring to pins or executioners, and the knowledge transferred during them should be the original knowledge of the organizer (teacher), which was based on his own scientific achievements or experience, without, to put it mildly, unauthorized use of someone else's reputation. The market itself will verify whether such trainings - honestly "not pretending" to be mine, marked with a neutral name - will find their recipients. Moreover, in this way we will jointly enrich the "library of knowledge" - each of us contributing to it our own (and only our own!) contribution.
1. Rights to PINOTHERAPY as a therapeutic method
I am the only and exclusive creator of the therapeutic method called PINOTHERAPY. Several of my closest associates participated in the process of its creation and development, including in particular the persons listed later in this document as authorized by me to conduct PINOTHERAPY courses. I will repeat, Tomasz Struzik has never been and is not a member of this group.
PINOTHERAPY (PINOPRESSURE) is a component of my manual medicine concept, which I called the Five Regulatory System concept (FRSc). Therefore, PINOTHERAPY (PINOPRESURA) cannot be appropriated by others who unfairly indicate that it is, for example, an element of Tomasz Struzik's EPITherapy Academy (as you can read in Social Media on the profile of the organizer of such courses). I do not agree to this.
2. Rights to PINOTHERAPY as a proper name
Both PINOTERAPIA and PINOPRESURA are registered trademarks in the European Union, and the rights related to them belong solely to me. Therefore, their use to mark trainings or to advertise them by persons whom I have not authorized to do so is unlawful.
PINOTHERAPY (PINOPRESSURE) is one. In particular, there is no PINOTHERAPY (PINOPRESSURE) according to Tomasz Struzik. This use of the name is unauthorized and I expressly oppose it.
3. The rights to PINOTHERAPY as the subject of coures
I am the only and exclusive author of the PINOTHERAPY course. My authorship is both the substantive content of the course and training materials, as well as their formal layout. I also created method-specific nomenclature, abbreviations and acronyms. I am also the author of the graphics presented in the training script and in the presentation accompanying the training, and above all the script itself. I don't have to explain that reproducing any part of my script for any purpose without my consent is a violation of my rights.
I do not need to explain that reproducing any part of my script for any purpose without my consent violates my rights and should be treated as plagiarism. Taking over important parts of my work and introducing insignificant changes in the nomenclature, such as replacing the concept of "octopus" (pol. ośmiornica) with "snake" (pol. wężownica), should also be treated as such.
4. Authorized PINOTHERAPY courses
PINOTHERAPY (PINOPRESURE) courses authorized by me are organized exclusively by the FRSc Academy - an entity with the status of an educational system unit. I also consented to the organization of PINOTHERAPY (PINOPRESURY) training by other companies, but only on the condition that they will be conducted by lecturers and instructors accredited by me (indicated below).
Crucially, the authorization system for PINOTHERAPY (PINOPRESURE) training and the people conducting it was created to ensure that the knowledge provided to future trainees is my own knowledge, up-to-date and presented correctly. So that it's possible to take responsibility for the training process and at the same time exclude possible errors and irregularities.
I would like to clearly distance myself from the message of Mr. Tomasz Struzik and the training he conducted. Please do not associate me in any way with him or the training he conducts. I urge him to do the same.
5. Lecturers and instructors of PINOTHERAPY
As of March 15, 2024, PINOTHERAPY (PINOPRESURE) training courses authorized by me can only be conducted by: Maciej Graczykowski, Krzysztof Skibiński, Jakub Łamajkowski, Bartosz Czajka, Michał Serwatka, Olga Okładło-Cygan, Ewelina Napiórkowska, Jacek Bentkowski, Bartłomiej Kruk, Arkadiusz Szmitka . All these people have been trained and passed the exam obtaining the title of Certified Master of FRSc by Dr. Składowski or Certified Instructor of FRSc by Dr. Składowski.
In other words, if the PINOTHERAPY (PINOPRESSURE) course is conducted by one of the above-mentioned people, you can be sure that this is a course authorized by me, and the knowledge provided there is current and comes from me.
6. Unauthorized courses using the word PINOTHERAPY or its synonyms
I am sad to say that despite my attempts to settle the matter amicably, there are still Pins and Cats therapy courses available on the training market that directly refer to PINOTHERAPY (PINOPRESSURE). Their organizers, taking advantage of my reputation and using mechanisms typical of acts of unfair competition, want to create a false belief among customers that the course they offer is the same as my course. I do not want and cannot agree to such practices.
I categorically oppose the presentation of knowledge that I do not know and which I do not subscribe to under the banner of PINOTHERAPY (or synonyms of this word, such as PINOPRESSURE). I do not take responsibility for the theoretical content and techniques presented during these trainings. I am not responsible for their effectiveness (especially the lack thereof), and even more so for any damage caused to patients.
Courses that I do not authorize, that have nothing to do with PINOTHERAPY (PINOPRESSURE) and that illegally benefit from my reputation, are conducted by Mr. Tomasz Struzik. This includes, among others, stationary training organized by Odnova limited liability company based in Bydgoszcz, Fizjo Academy limited liability company based in Katowice, Angitia Spółka limited liability company based in Warsaw, MTS Academy Limited limited liability company Branch in Poland , or courses promoted by the MTS Struzik Academy or EPItherapy Academy brands. I also do not authorize online courses conducted by the same person and distributed on the Internet, among others, by TCM Brandlimited liability company with its registered office in Krakow.
Therefore, I will be forced to take further legal steps aimed at curbing such practices. I clearly emphasize that I do it with disgust and embarrassment, because I prefer to devote my life energy to enriching the above-mentioned "library of knowledge", and not to fighting in courts and other state or international institutions.
7. Comparing PINOTHERAPY to Clavitherapy
I have never hid the fact that getting to know Dr. Barbasiewicz and the Clavitherapy he presented was an important experience and a great inspiration for me. However, I categorically disagree with the accusation that appears here and there that PINOTHERAPY is a copy of Clavitherapy. These methods may seem similar only to a layman and with a huge amount of bad will. In fact, everything is different.
Clavitherapy requires many hours of repeated treatments, while the essence of PINOTHERAPY is the immediate removal of pain and/or dysfunction. Clavitherapy is dedicated mainly to chronic neurological, internal medicine, autoimmune, metabolic and oncological diseases, while PINOTHERAPY focuses primarily on the musculoskeletal system. The genesis of Clavitherapy is traditional Chinese medicine and the assumption of the existence of reflexological microsystems, while PINOTHERAPY is based on the concept of the Five Regulatory Systems (FRSc), drawing from manual therapies according to Western medicine, such as: supportive, tensegratory and receptive function of fascia, intrafascial compartment syndromes, algodystrophies, muscle synergisms and antagonisms, vegetative, somatic and mixed reflexes, etc. Finally, the tools used in both methods differ from each other, as well as the way they are used.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the thousands of listeners of PINOTHERAPY training courses authorized by me for their daily reports on the successes of using my method in office practice. I am proud and happy that PINOTHERAPY brings relief to thousands of patients every day. Effectiveness is the measure of truth!
Radosław Składowski
Radosław Składowski, an orthopedic-traumatologist. A graduate of the Medical Academy in Wrocław. Creator of the Five Regulatory Systems concept (FRSc), on which he built the original model of Manual Medicine. Author of courses Pinotherapy, DRY NEEDLING by FRSc, and above all MANUAL MEDICINE by FRSc.